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오늘은 야옹이들에게 마따따비 나무를 선물했어요. 마따따비 나무를 만난 야옹이들은 신이 나서 가지도 물고 잎사귀도 뜯어 먹었어요. 루루는 마따따비를 하고 디디에게 덤볐어요!
WHO'S READY FOR SOME FULL COVERAGE??? In today's video I'm testing out the brand new Laura Mercier Flawless Fusion Ultra-Longwear ...
Summer lovin’! Time for some bold, bright nail polish swatches to celebrate Olive & June’s summer collection, in collaboration wit...
Grab your journal and pens and plan with me for march! 🌿 Start learning with two free months of Skillshare!: https://skl.sh/amanda...
もちろん、入っているまる。Of course, Maru is in the box!
動画の評価よろぴく POPチャンネル↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Ts0NBFxwhTRCjibVaPXdg/videos インスタPDS↓ https://www.instagram.com/pdssa...
Today I have 10 EASY Christmas nail ideas! All of these are perfect for beginners or if you just want simple holiday nail art! Let...
えもじょわのレシピ本もよろしく~ 『誰でも失敗なくできる スイーツレシピ』 http://amzn.to/2m3wgTX 『フライパンでできる本格フレンチレシピ』 http://amzn.to/2BLFn2w
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