
by K&K Cats





Behind The Scenes at C&D | MIN...

  • by CupcakeJemma 1360

We are constantly adding new flavours to our ever-expanding menu here at Crumbs & Doilies, but sometimes we just re-vamp some of o...

Watch Me Resin 26 Galaxy Theme...

  • by Seriously Creative 897

Hey! Another timelapse video showing how i made my galaxy and pokemon themed keyrings ready for my next etsy release! I am so happ...

Beautiful Flower Embroidery de...

  • by Malina GM Embroidery 983

#malina_gm watch the best video tutorials on YouTube Flower Fantasy Macrame * Easy Bead Work Amazing Hand Embroidery for your b...


  • by ARTOSKETCH 1295

EN este video les muestro 8 distintas texturas que pueden utilizar al momento de hacer sus dibujos arquitectónicos, espero les gus...

Tutorial For Simple Flowers Pa...

  • by Namaste Embroidery 1168

Follow along to learn couching (as a fill stitch), interlaced herringbone stitch, woven fill stitch, wide based picot stitch and r...

心配そうな柴犬と大盛り上がりの子猫と猫 Shiba Inu ...

  • by R5 リキリコとリリムータ 764

リリとリムのリュック型のキャリーを購入! 色違いで、宇宙船のようなリュックです♥ 気にいってくれるかなぁ~♪ リタのリュックも色違いで購入したかったのですが、売り切れだったのでまた今度購入します! リタが一番気に入ったみたい(*´艸`) リキリコは、大丈夫??...