[취미] 마음이 고요해지는 바느질 찻잔받침,컵받침만들기...
바느질 홈질은 간단하면서 품위가 느껴질 만큼 정성스런 손길이 느껴진다
Hey guys Today s tutorial is going to show how to make this cute and easy miniature jellyfish aquarium using polymer clay and resin And my favorite part it glows in the dark Hope you ll enjoy If you liked this video and want to see more miniature and polymer clay tutorials please subscribe to my channel I make lots of different DIY s for dolls and dollhouses Music fireflies and stardustMacLeod is licensed under CC Attribution 3 0
바느질 홈질은 간단하면서 품위가 느껴질 만큼 정성스런 손길이 느껴진다
계절과자점 두번째 영상은 딸기를 주제로 찍어봤어요. 트라이플은 과일, 스폰지케이크, 젤리, 크림등을 켜켜이 쌓아 만드는 영국 디저트예요. 영상에서는 구슬딸기라 부르는 작은 딸기와 하얀색 딸기 2가지를 사용했어요. 하얀딸기는 신기해서 ...
🌟ひし形のストーンはこちらで購入しました⬇️ 高品質 ガラスストーン (5) 各種 [楽天] https://item.rakuten.co.jp/puchikoko/n00013/?scid=wi_ich_androidapp_item_share #Rak...
In today's video, I'm showing you how you can make Digital Bullet Journal Templates and sell them by editing your already existing...
Watercolor fall foliage, painting daisies, and a discussion on how to get over the ‘fear of the blank page’! Subscribe to my chann...
LIKE & SUBSCRIBE 👉🏻 http://bit.ly/alexgabouryyt CONTEST! Enter for a chance to win the #FructisFestivalExperience here: http://bit...
Join my fam - www.theDIYdesigner.com SUBSCRIBE! - https://bit.ly/2MPzFC8 Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/orlyshani
みなさまこんにちは。 今回の動画は秋の保存食作りを紹介しています。 栗バタージャムにりんごのワイン煮、 みかん酒、ピーマン味噌。
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