How to make fireworks design Rollcake! | yunisweets Deco Roll

by yuni sweets

How to make fireworks design Rollcake! | yunisweets Deco Roll


This is my third Youtube tutorial video I hope you all can enjoy watching this D p s this video was made short so if you want to know the process in detail please take a look at my 1st video 三作目のYoutube動画が出来ました 今回は ココア生地を夜空に見立てて 花火を描きました 切っても切ってもマンゴーの星が出て来ます マンゴーが手に入らない場合は 硬めのゼリーで代用して下さい 短かめに編集していますので もっと詳しく作り方を知りたい方は一作目をご覧下さい Ingredients 1 00 06Ingredients 2 01 48Ingredients 3 05 01Follow my baking journey on Video Recording Editing done by Icon made by author link from www flaticon com Swingin jazz waltz with nice alto sax solomusic Giorgio di Campo Freesound Music Cool and breezy bossa nova with guitar flute and trombonemusic Giorgio di Campo Freesound Music Smooth and relaxed latin jazz in bossa nova style bar jazz dinner music Giorgio di Campo Freesound Music



Rabbit eating crunchy leaf! AS...

  • by OneMorePlease 2112

A tiny pet bunny rabbit eats a leaf! The rabbit loves eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and a crunchy leaf is one of the rabbit'...