
by 5分でできる DIY





Chill Out Get Ready With Me

  • by mesijesibeauty 1064

Today's video is a little different. I wanted to do something more chill and try a different filming angle & style. My lighting is...

Fountain Pen 101: Flex Nib Fou...

  • by The Goulet Pen Company 1740

One of the most exciting things about fountain pens in recent years has been the rising popularity of flexible nibs. What makes th...

Sleepy beagle would rather sta...

  • by Oliver the Beagle 963

This video is dedicated to all the professionals who are continuing to work so that Oliver can stay safe inside! We especially wou...

{요지생일기념} 한손에 쏙 들어오는 뽀시래기 시절 요지

  • by 김메주와 고양이들Mejoo and Cats 884

어제 10월 5일은 요지의 세 번째 생일이었어요! 요지가 우리 집에 온 것도, 유튜브를 시작한 것도, 여러분과 만나게 된 것도 벌써 3년이나 됐네요! 우와... 우리 더 오래오래 봐요!ㅎㅎㅎ 2년 전에 찍어둔 미공개 영상이 있어서 요...