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4K ASMR 万年筆で鉄道唱歌の京都駅部分を書いてみました。 万年筆で漢字平仮名日本語の書き方、持ち方の練習にどうぞ。 How to write Japanese Calligraphy Kanji Hiragana with Fountain pen ht...
Learn how to make a Geometric Lamp. Homemade Geometric Lamp. DIY Diamond Lamp
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video of me attempting to do a GRWM using new makeup while ONLY speaking spanish! I hope you en...
UUUMの女性クリエーターでバレンタインの友チョコスワップをしてみました!♡ お友達同士のプレゼント交換も楽しいですよね^^
SHOP LUMENE - http://bit.ly/2pcm4sJ Discount Code: LUMENE20 + 20% of at Ulta.com too Valo Glow Boost Essence: http://bit.ly/2uZgH...
hello everyone! i’ve been feeling a little meh about the snowless winter as i have no idea how to dress for the continuous +/- 0°C...
Join Lynda for an inside look at the Montreal atelier of Les Ensembliers, whose use of strong colors and bold patterns have attrac...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I talk about the new makeup revolution x Emily palettes! I love them! I hope you en...
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