けんかをやめて Cat to stop the fight
毎日ケージ越しで会わせることで慣れてきたのか お互いにブッと言わなくなり だいぶ仲良くなってきたコタローとハナ わちゃわちゃしながらおさわりしまくるコタローと 余裕の態度を見せつけるハナの関係性が面白いです カワウソ コタロー otter ペット かわうそ ハナ
Why is French perfume so famous? (Grasse, mimosa, tuberose, orange blossom...) Chanel number 5 and modern perfumes. What is the di...
Hey everyone! I made a watercolor do's & don'ts video for beginners, this means these techniques aren't hard or complex. They are ...
Gisela Marti @tammytaylornails - http://www.tammytaylornails.com/
My October 2019 beauty favorites including holiday purchases and so much more! I am hosting a Beauty Trend Event at Neiman Marcus ...
Hi everyone!!
An expressive ocean theme pour painting created using the swipe technique. I get silicone on Amazon. Here is a link to the one I u...
NEW BULLET JOURNAL SETUP FOR 2018!!! And also planning my month of January!!
自從離開加拿大來到香港生活之後,已經很少機會可以滑雪,最多也是兩年一次吧,上個月因為工作的關係來到了柏林,也順道來到了這個世界上幸福指數最高的國家,展開我的滑雪之旅:) 訂閱我的頻道 ►https://www.youtube.com/misselvani F...
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