How to Pick Up and Hold a Hedg...
In this video, a friendly staff member at Harry Hedgehog Cafe explains how to pick up and hold a hedgehog. We were assigned two h...
影片中提到的東西Products I mentioned UHA味覺糖水果味軟糖7 11黃金玉米棒三養不知名的韓國泡麵Bioré 排汗爽身淨味劑 潔淨皂香滾珠瓶MACPREP PRIME FIX MATTE活力水噴霧 柔霧版KANEBOALLIE EX UV高效防曬水凝乳SPF50 PA E glipsLIVELY LIQUID GLITTER SHADOW魔幻鑽石光立體眼影蜜02KEVYN AUCOIN The Neo BlushSUNSETMAC Studio Conceal and Correct PaletteLIGHTSIGMASIGMAGIC SCRUB2 in 1 solid cleanser 影片中提到的東西Products I am wearing 粉底 Addiction 癮耀顏水凝粉霜蜜粉忘記了打亮 Kevyn Aucoin The Neo Trio Palette鼻影 Kevyn Aucoin The Sculpting Powder Light眼影 JEFFREE STAR COSMETICS Blood Sugar Palette腮紅 Becca Be a Light Face Palette唇彩 YSL黑管唇釉 色號忘了 More Catie For business inquiries byumoe88 gmail com business only Hope you enjoy this video XO Catie FAQ What camera do you use使用的相機 Canon 80DWhat s your skin type我的膚質 Normal to dry中性 眼下偏乾 DISCLAIMER This is NOT a sponsored video Some of the links are affiliated 這 不是 合作影片 說明欄裡包含分潤連結 刷具清潔 遮瑕推薦 止汗劑 定妝噴霧 毛孔
In this video, a friendly staff member at Harry Hedgehog Cafe explains how to pick up and hold a hedgehog. We were assigned two h...
FULL COVERAGE. Non Creasing. Vegan. Clean. Is this concealer a game changer?
イラストのメイキング動画第六段。 「Moment」 制作時間約5時間です。 参考にして頂ければ。 使用ソフトはCLIP STUDIO PAINT EXです。
By Shasha Creative World I have made this embroidery of rose flowers with woven wheel stitch or woven spider web stitch,stem stitc...
好久不見的穿搭影片!!! 因為穿搭影片比較花時間所以有點難產XD 但最近有想到幾個很想拍的! 再盡量趕工放上來~~~
In my September journal I'm doing a fresh weekly layout and creating a rose themed cover page! So grab your bujo and plan with me!...
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