The Easy Way to Make a Leather Bag

by Corter Leather

The Easy Way to Make a Leather Bag


The Easy Way to Make a Leather BagWe wanted to share an easy way to make a leather bag including a free pattern We used 6 7oz leather for this leather tote bag and hand stitched it with waxed poly thread You can use a saddle stitch a whip stitch or even leather lace to sew up your easy leather bag We used 10oz leather for the handles of the tote bag but you can get away with 6 7oz if you only have one weight you just might want to ad a bit of stitching On the bottom of the bag we use Chicago screws to attach the corners and this also allows us to use some scrap handle leather to make a corner stiffener piece A big thanks to Weaver for sponsoring this video as always and happy crafting



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