Cat lollipop【100均】猫の肉球 ロリポップ♪【...
Purchased at Seria, a Japanese 100 yen store. 【instagram】⇒ bonobos25's stamp【LINE STORE URL...
Hand embroidery designs Bullion knot stitch Embroidery is one of the most interesting crafts that you can do at home and it has been enjoyed for a long time Instead of it becoming a form of old art it is still very popular There have been some major things that have happened with technology that have changed and improved embroidery as an art form Instead of having to use your hands to slowly create easy designs the use of digital machines for embroidery save time and money with this craft There are very few people that like the basic traditional way of creating embroidery designs by hand Instead of using a machine to be the only way to create designs they prefer to be creative with some of their own patterns Hand embroidery gives them this option because when you are using a machine you are depending on the digital machine and what it can do This removes the user s creativity because many of the designs are already in the computer Hand embroidery is harder to create and it takes up a large amount of time for completion Otherwise it would also need crystal clear eyesight and coordination for using the thread and cloth It would also take a large amount of patience and creative ideas because the sewer would have to use their imagination for the designs In the crowd of the kind of hand designs you can choose from ribbon canvas lace and cross stitch exist The cross stitch has been the major and the most popular type of hand embroidering This offers the sewer a larger amount of designs to pick from It is also simple but it is intricate work in counting the amount of stitches and the many colors that are needed to give you the right design In the use of canvas the creator would use yarn and fabric to make many unique designs It is not a good idea for beginners to start with canvas work because it needs a large amount of skills and experience It does not matter which embroidery type you pick hand embroidery can give you a feeling of confidence in your designs because they are yours only You can be creative and use your imagination in ways you could not before
Purchased at Seria, a Japanese 100 yen store. 【instagram】⇒ bonobos25's stamp【LINE STORE URL...
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雑誌ヴォーチェ表紙‼️妊婦さんなのに 北川景子さんが美しくて、メイクも私が普段やったことない感じの カラーだったのでやってみました🙈❤️
夏に崩れにくいベースメイク動画はこちら プチプラバージョン
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Watercolor Painting Timelapse Manga girl
オデコの熟睡シーンがかわいいです^^ たま~に変わった寝方をします(笑) 豆大福に乗られても起きません♬
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