Flosstube 132: So Many FFOs that I Didnt FFO

by Michelle Bendy Stitchy

Flosstube 132: So Many FFOs that I Didnt FFO


Contact Me Email bendystitchy gmail com Music All Amazon links below are affiliate links I receive a small kick back from any purchases made using the Amazon links Call to Action Best New Thing FFOs Stitchnanigans 2019 by Works by ABC Chart exclusive to Stitchnanigans retreat attendees in 2019 Finishing by my friend Melissa grubbypuppy on Instagram Primitive Tarot Needleroll by Wild Violet Cross Stitch Finishes Be a Pineapple by me WIPs The Master the Macabre by The Cricket Collection Knits Sockhead hat by Kelly McClure FINISHED Fuzzball Bandolier Shawl by Rachel Roden PLAN Whosian Scarf by Anne Podlesak Purchases Flosstubers Mentioned Places to Check Out Charity Poem Book



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