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Try not to laugh: FUNNY CATS -...
HELP HOMELESS ANIMALS AND WIN A PRIZE BY CHOOSING AN AWESOME ITEM FROM OUR STORE: https://fanjoy.co/collections/tiger-productions ...
Easy Halloween Floral Nail Art
Hey guys! In this tutorial I'll be showing you how to create this simple floral nail design perfect for Halloween! Don't forget to...
風格穿搭挑戰 |不日系的我 X 六套日系穿搭
剛剛失誤!!! 大家可以當作沒看到嗎哈哈哈哈哈 我們重來一次
你來決定我用什麼化妝? feat. ADDICTION|As...
▲ 影片中使用的產品▲ 粧前:癮透水感粧前乳 底妝:癮耀顏水凝粉霜-03 遮瑕:完美遮瑕盤 蜜粉:特效定粧蜜粉餅-01 眼影:癮彩眼影 46(珠光)/25(絲緞光)/67(珠光)/71(珠光) 腮紅:癮色美人單色頰彩-肌嫩粉顏頰彩蜜-012 感情用事 打亮...
Uñas Decoradas 2019/ Diseños d...
WARNING!!! Credit & Full Video: InstagrAM https://www.instagram.com/nailyourideas/?hl=es
Divorce Court Makeup (ft. The ...
Straight-up business WOMAN Realness, she owns 51% of the company. Red Lips #TheOtherWoman do all the talking and then some. Wearin...
Subtle Pinks (Two Ways)
For all the products that are featured in this film click on the links below: 100% of advertising revenue is donated to charity. F...
「肩に乗せてるけど爪が痛そう」とよく言われますが、メンテナンスしてるので全く痛くありません。 ただし、警戒したり緊張したりすると爪を握り込むことがあるため、フクロウカフェなどで肩乗せをする場合はくれぐれもご注意ください。
French Cheesecake Tourteau fro...
※ ※ ※ Subtitles function ※ ※ ※ The videos have English and Japanese subtitles. Turning on subtitles will show you the instruction...