ART-ing for myself: rocks and boulders

by creationsceecee

ART-ing for myself: rocks and boulders


august is a month for explorations and art in for myself in this video i am completing a triptych of paintings rocks and boulders please scroll down for the LIST OF SUPPLIES watercolor doodlesL I S T O F S U P P L I E S 140lb cold press watercolor paper Bee Paper watercolor paints transparent red oxide Daniel Smith quinacridone gold Sennelier deep scarlet Daniel Smith payne s grey Kremer Pigments watercolor brushes No 8 round No 2 round by Silver Black Velvet other watercolor brush shader No 2 MSGE155 2 Royal Langnickel black Signo DX pen 0 28 Uni ball F O L L O W C R É A T I O N S C E E C E E business inquiries catherine creationsceecee comP O B O XCréations CeeCee 54 Cité des Jeunes Suite 102B 347 Vaudreuil Dorion QC J7V 9L5CanadaF I L M I N G S E T U Pi have an overhead set up with the video camera mounted on a long reach tripod what was part of a soft box lighting systemvideo camera Panasonic HC V7701350W photography studio soft box lighting kit Mountdog A F F I L I A T E L I N K SLinks in this description and supplies list may be affiliates which means you won t pay extra but we will get a a small commission thank you for supporting this channel M U S I C I N T H I S V I D E O synesthesia by Peter Sandberg what once was nadir lonely hearts and summer memories by Gavin Luke



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