穿著和服的奈奈可愛吧 恐龍君還是一樣很呆萌呢www -------------------------------------------------- ▶訂閱我們的頻道:https://goo.gl/frgQrg ▶我們的Facebook:https://g...
第一次做全臉的公關品開箱試用喜歡這種影片記得留言告訴我 我可以蒐集公關品定期來做試用實測唷 More Catie For business inquiries byumoe88 gmail com business only More information about this video Products I mentioned YSL ALL HOURS FOUNDATION 恆久完美無瑕粉底 B20benefit boi ing hydration concealer 水潤遮瑕膏 02benefit boi ing airbrush concealer 輕盈遮瑕膏 01shu uemura植村秀 brow palette 塑形眉彩盤 02shu uemura植村秀 brow comb 智慧控量染眉膏Maybelline Master flush creator 漸層薰染腮紅 after glow夕陽之吻Maybelline Master flush stick 氣墊腮紅魔法棒 01pinkZOEVA summer strobe spectrumZOEVA 105 highlight brushZOEVA 110 face shape brushMaybelline 好氣色貝殼霓光漸層唇膏 10Maybelline 好氣色貝殼霓光漸層唇膏 01Dior 經典五色眼影 inflameZOEVA waterpfoof highlighting pencilHope you enjoy this video XO Catie FAQ What camera do you use使用的相機 Panasonic GF9What s your skin type我的膚質 Normal to dry中性 眼下偏乾 What software do you use to edit video影像剪輯軟體 威力導演DISCLAIMER This is NOT a sponsored video Music Artist Nicolai HeidlasTitle A Day OffDownload the song here www hooksounds com royalty free music a day off
穿著和服的奈奈可愛吧 恐龍君還是一樣很呆萌呢www -------------------------------------------------- ▶訂閱我們的頻道:https://goo.gl/frgQrg ▶我們的Facebook:https://g...
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Chanel | Haute Couture Fall Winter 2019/2020 by Virginie Viard | Full Fashion Show in High Definition. (Widescreen - Exclusive Vid...
#Miss_A #embroidery #save_from_YouTube Website : https://www.missanjiarabegum.com Download Pattern :
I'm not the chattiest person in the world, but when it comes to cooking I can blab just about anyones ear off, so the video was a ...
안녕하세요 딩가 입니다. 🙂 오늘은 디어벨 에서 선물로 보내주신 반개안 타입의 블랑슈 S를 리페인팅 했는데요 매년 여름이 되면 생각나는! 시원한 바닷속 인어로 인형을 꾸며봤어요 그럼 영상 재미있게 보셨으면 좋겠고 이번에 감기 때문에...
My piece for our Bad Apple Artist Collective auction last April 2019. She was inspired by the Six of Crows book by Leigh Bardugo~...
The creamiest ice cream in Japan has made its way to the U.S. Cremia is served at Creme in Los Angeles and it's ready to make your...
안녕하세요 딩가입니다 😀 오늘은 블루 페어리에서 선물 받은 타이니 페어리 메이를 리페인팅 했는데요 눈이 내리는 겨울이 오면 꼭 한번 해보고 싶었던 차갑고 신비로운 느낌의 눈의 여왕으로 인형을 꾸며줬어요 그럼 영상 재미있게 보시고 내일...
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