
by コスメヲタちゃんねるサラ



提供 mod s hair モッズ ヘア MOBILE HAIR IRON モバイルヘアアイロンツイッターとインスタもよろしくね twitter Instagram BGM提供TETARE C 細井聡司 hosplug ファンレターの宛先株式会社VAZ 150 0002渋谷区神宮前3 1 30 Daiwa青山ビル4Fサラ宛



7 Concealers in 7 Days | Domin...

  • by Dominique Sachse 933

I get questions from you about what's the best concealer for mature skin. In this video, I’m demoing seven different concealers wi...

I Tried NEW $3 Makeup from e.l...

  • by Allie Glines 1082

Hey everyone!! Today we’re trying out some new e.l.f. Makeup!! :) I really wanted to try their new $3 Bite Size Eyeshadow Palettes...