Autumn Leaves Collection: Doodle in Watercolor

by Nianiani

Autumn Leaves Collection: Doodle in Watercolor


Hi guys Welcome to another video Today I decided to paint a collection of autumn leaves or folliage I was going to turn this into the mini series but I also wanted to paint a page of it so I formatted it similarly to the mini series where I draw and go over the colours so hopefully it s still easy to follow And if you would like to turn this into a mini painting you can go ahead and do that just change your brush to a smaller one depending on the size of painting you want to paint _ Happy painting Follow me on skillshare for free 2 months membership Subscribe www youtube com c nianiani Follow me on instagram ig_nianianiTOOLS Paint HolbeinPaper Arto 200gsmBrush Vtec size 2 WN Sceptre Gold II size 0MUSIC Renunciation by Asher Fulero taken from Youtube Audiobook




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