どうしてもキャットタワーの一階(黄色い方限定)でダラけたい猫たちの戦いです! ちなみに、最初にいたのはしまちゃんで後からポムさんがどすどすやってきました。
Pablo and Winston meet Stanley The grumble is finally completed Do they get along Is Pablo scared or him Does Winston just want to play Is the floor still clean Watch to find out Some of you wanted longer videos Well here s our longest video yet All is explained at the end of the video but we changed our minds on keeping them separate for a few days Obviously If you want to know all about it then stick around to the end I honestly didn t know what to cut out so enjoy just lots of footage We just wanted to share as much as we could so you all get a proper look into how our first day went They won t all be this long But it seems only right to share it rather than keep it to ourselves Give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and Subscribe if you re not already What I use to record and edit my videos Links below marked with a are affiliate links which means I receive a percentage of the revenue made from purchasing products through this link Licence Intro Outro Music
どうしてもキャットタワーの一階(黄色い方限定)でダラけたい猫たちの戦いです! ちなみに、最初にいたのはしまちゃんで後からポムさんがどすどすやってきました。
http://kagonekoshiro.blog86.fc2.com/blog-entry-15689.html のせ猫オフィシャルブログ http://ameblo.jp/nosenekoshiro かご猫Blog http://kagonekoshi...
猫語で飼い主と頑張ってしゃべる猫たち・お風呂の時間になるとNO,NO,NOといった猫たちが超かわいい 猫がお風呂が嫌いな理由とは?猫は日に何回も毛づくろいするぐらい綺麗好きです。舌のザラザラで毛並みを整えているんですが、濡れると毛並みが乱れてしまうんです。 そ...
https://kagonekoshiro.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-17704.html ]
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