Watch Me Resin 12 | Vaporwave Aesthetic Timelapse | Seriously Creative

by Seriously Creative

Watch Me Resin 12 | Vaporwave Aesthetic Timelapse | Seriously Creative


Music Credit Lakey InspiredTrack 1 Going UpTrack 2 OceansResin Barnes Clariti 2 part Epoxy ResinStickers I make my own with a cricut machinesearchweb201603_51 ppcSwitch_0 algo_expid b4917070 77a3 41ef 80cc 85bc39cf60f5 13 algo_pvid b4917070 77a3 41ef 80cc 85bc39cf60f5 transAbTest ae803_5 All of my glitter can be found on Ali Express Just type in what you re looking for eg spider web confetti and it will come up MOLDS I have a very detailed video describing my molds and where I got them Links are below but it is probably easier to watch the video to find the exact one you want because I have so many I can t list every single one PRIVATE SELLERS CUSTOM MOLDSMilkyRainbowDeco Gameboy moldHoorayForGlitter multi coloured alien gameboy controller moldRadicalByFox large custom minty coloured moldStarry Supplies small star tray moldMagicaMemyCreations Ouija planchette Ouija board mothSupplySprite spaceman helmet mold




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