Drugstore Makeup Tutorial | Blush Palette Eye + Face & Lips | TheMakeupChair

by TheMakeupChair

Drugstore Makeup Tutorial | Blush Palette Eye + Face & Lips | TheMakeupChair


Drugstore Makeup Tutorial Blush Palette Eye Face Lips Click the little bell beside the subscribe box to turn on post notifications so you won t miss an upload _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I N S T A G R A M T W I T T E RF A C E B O O K_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _TO MY FOLLOWERS Thank you for continuing to support my channel I adore you all Remember Makeup doesn t make you beautiful its your eyes your face your smile YOU make the makeup BEAUTIFUL xoxo_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _MORE VIDEOS YOU D LIKEBeginners Eye Makeup Tutorial Beginners Eye Makeup Detailed Talk Through Foundation Routine Detailed Talk Through_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BRUSHES Use Discount Code SINEADTop 5 Most Used Products _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _WHO IS THEMAKEUPCHAIR Hi I m Sinead Shin aid or people call me Sineady I live in Cork Ireland I ve been making videos since 2010 and I love teaching so if you have any questions I am here to help with eye makeup foundation or anything at all I also have JHS with CFS so I am part of the spoonie club Disclaimer Not sponsored All thoughts mentioned are my own Some links provided above are affiliate links They do not cost you anything but I make a small percentage from the sale Drugstore Makeup Tutorial Blush Palette Eye Face Lips TheMakeupChair



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