Flower embroidery trick | Hand...
Flower embroidery trick | Hand embroidery flower trick
喜歡今天的影片不要忘了按個讚 DISCOUNT CODES 折扣碼 SIGMA 官方網站 有直接送台灣 CODE SARAHS 結帳輸入此碼 結帳再打九折 CODE SARAH 結帳輸入此碼 結帳再打八五折 影片使用產品 PRODUCTS MENTIONED 嘉丹尼爾 水感輕透防曬凝乳Vecs Gardenia嘉丹妮爾 結帳輸入 SARAH 結帳再打八五折 Maybelline superstay 粉底液 102MAYBELLINE 媚比琳 無敵特霧超持久遮瑕膏 10RCMA no color powderMaybelline 媚比琳 新一代宛若真眉柔霧塑型眉膠筆 深灰棕Maybelline 媚比琳 反孔特霧控油粉餅heme 六色眼影盤 暖楓 柔粉 Catrice 卡翠絲 巴洛克奢華眼彩盤粉紅禮服的公主 鏡前的維納斯Catrice 卡翠絲單色腮紅025Catrice 活力補水保濕精華Maybelline 媚比琳 超持久霧感液態唇膏MERZY 紫極光露水唇釉 常用刷具清單 BRUSHS Foundation 粉底 Pony effect 粉撲 Powder蜜粉 授受郎 小布丁系列 蜜粉刷 RIVAU F62 RIVAU F61 Blush 腮紅 授受郎 小布丁系列腮紅刷 THREE 腮紅刷 ZOEVA 127 Sheer cheek RIVAU F62 Brozer Contour 修容 Morphe M405Morphe E4 授受郎 小布丁系列 修容 ZOEVA 127 Sheer cheek Highlighter 打亮 ABH A23 Colourpop F5 Eyeshadow 眼影 Morphe M433Morphe M441 Morphe M506Morphe M213 Morphe M456 Morphe M326Morphe M504 艾諾奇 111 Nose contour 鼻影 Morphe E62 隱形眼鏡 GEO Hani Gray 指甲光療 olivianail0422 耳環 項鍊 This Video is NOT sponsored 今日影片非業配 目前我只有在使用IG跟youtube E mail Sarahsmacup gmail com makeup beauty makeuptutorial makeupartist makeupart makeupjunkie makeupaddict glammakeup haul eyebrows skincar
Flower embroidery trick | Hand embroidery flower trick
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雨傘作りました^ ^観ていただけたら嬉しいです。 この動画の訳は翻訳機を使っています。 This video uses a translator. TKM ブログ http://kamiasobi.jugem.jp/ 型紙はブログの方で→http://ka...
LEFT HANDED BEAD STITCH TUTORIAL! Learn how to crochet the bead stitch with this easy to follow tutorial. Need the right handed ve...
이제 진짜 겨울이네요. 너무 추워서 이불속에만 있고싶어요.. 이번주에는 가래떡구이, 까르보나라 그리고 비지찌개를 해먹었어요! 겨울이 되니 갑자기 식욕이 왕성해지는 느낌같은 느낌…? 그럼 즐거운 주말되세요!
Shasha Creative World #ShashaCreativeWorld #FlowerPattern I have used cotton threads of Syga brand for this embroidery,and the fab...
요즘 루루는 건강히 잘 지내고 있어요. 영양제도 꾸준히 잘 챙겨먹고 있고 매일 걷기 운동도 열심히 하고 있어요.
Friend me on facebook and show me what you have made: http://www.facebook.com/aleshia.beadifulnights
HEY, GUYS! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I share all of my fav beauty products of the past month with you guys! I hope you e...
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