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The embroidered embellishment on a T shirt or any other clothes can be as tiny as a heart on a sleeve as huge as a design filling the front or as simple as a single motif near the neckline Any of these are great ways to personalize clothing or make gifts Add Embroidery to Tees and Baby Clothes The biggest challenge when embroidering on knit T shirt fabric is that the design can become distorted when the fabric stretches or if stitches pull too tight Stabilizer solves that problem HandEmbroidery EmbroideryDesigns TshirtEmbroidery Amazon Subscribe to other Channels Music Info Inspiring Story AShamaluevMusic
오늘도 고양이들이 난리가 났어요!
오늘은 츄츄의 최애 장난감을 찾아봤어요! 츄츄는 어떤 장난감을 제일 좋아할까요?
柴犬🐶もも(7歳♀) 黒猫😸天(4歳♂) キジトラ😸空(1〜3歳♂)
▲影片中使用的產品都在資訊欄▲ 法式訂製絲絨顯色唇釉 601 乾燥玫瑰 Soft Rose 法式訂製絲絨顯色唇釉 602 秋瑟楓葉 Maple Leaf 法式訂製絲絨顯色唇釉 603 癡迷狂熱 Love Mag 法式訂製絲絨顯色唇釉 604 微醺葡萄酒 Rom...
길거리음식을 심도있고 지루하지 않게!
目覚めるとR4みんな、リキハウス(ケージ)前に集合です! 皆それぞれ、伸び伸び~とストレッチもOK♪ 子猫リリリムも警戒心がなくなり、起きたら柴犬リキリコの側に行くようになりました♡ 子猫は寝起きから元気いっぱい! リキリコは、まだまったり中です^^ リコ「お...
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A giant version of the classic zebra cakes
Bulgogi, a classic Korean grilled beef, is so easy to make and fun to eat with friends and family. Tender pieces of caramelized b...
Angel Food Cake is a delightful airy cake, fluffy like a cloud, with a white light crumb and a golden crisp crust that is simply a...
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