Finally Aty got a girlfriend!? [Otter life Day 145] アティがお見合い!?ついに彼女ができた!?

by Aty

Finally Aty got a girlfriend!? [Otter life Day 145] アティがお見合い!?ついに彼女ができた!?


Today we re going to see with cute otter girl Please enjoy with a fun guessing Aty s reaction I m really happy that so many people are watching my videos everyday Some of them may be watching my video and wanting to keep an otter However stop and think before keeping an otter Can you really live with an otter Are you studying the Washington Convention national law or otter situation It is legal to keep otters in Japan but there are various rules to protect them from the danger of extinction Watch my video Washington Convention Otter life Day 99 Washington Convention Otter life Day 99 I heard that some people started living with otters but they didn t go well and finally let them go If you want to keep an animal not just otters you must make the animal happy and responsible until the end NORZAN MISHIMA Norzan Mishima has a lot of rare animals brought up with the love of the owner Until Aty came to my house he was raised by them with a lot of love Thanks to their affection Aty is so friendly with people Youtube Youtube Otter s daily life Instagram Homepage This video has a permission from Norzan Mishima Aty Shop has just opened You can buy Aty Shirt pillows mugs or etc at hereTwitter Instagram Facebook otter Aty ノーザンみしま




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