如何去角質? How I exfoliate my skin? ♥ Nancy

by Ksnancy

如何去角質? How I exfoliate my skin? ♥ Nancy


很多人其實忽略了 去角質 也是保養很重要的一個步驟 如果沒有定期去除老廢角質 再多再好的保養品也很難被肌膚吸收 More Nancy over here I N S T A G R A M nancy_blogger Business Inquiries nancy_blogger hotmail com More information about this video Edited using Adobe Premiere 徵求字幕 Subtitle Wanted 徵求中英文字幕 如果有其他語言也很歡迎喔 如果你有提交字幕 麻煩來信nancy_blogger hotmail com 通知我 我會寄送小禮物給你喔 This Video is sponsored by IPSA



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