山型分層皂DIY - chevron handmade soap for October soap challenge club - 手工皂

by Oh我的雙牛寶貝兒/Yvonne

山型分層皂DIY - chevron handmade soap for October soap challenge club - 手工皂


十月Soap Challenge Club主題 chevron山型分層 轉來轉去總共做了17層 做到頭昏眼花了 雖然外國老師有給一份excel計算公式 但內容是用oz計算 我個人傾向用g比較精準 就自己用體積重算過每層需要的分量 幸好數學不是太爛 為了讓左右邊傾斜的角度一致 我把修皂器翻過來當成倚靠支架 不僅免錢還挺順手好用 模具內徑尺寸 寬6x長30x高9 cm This batch is made for the October soap challenge club It requires very precise calculation and measurement of each layer I didn t use the excel spreadsheet that the teacher provided because I prefer use g than oz in soaping Also I don t want to fill the acrylic mold totally full because it s hard to unmold without gap to push So I redo the math and there s nothing left In order to get the accurate angle of each layer I use the trimmer and flip it as a leaning support It s free and it really works good Inner dimension of mold W6xL30xH9 cm 聯絡信箱 E mail liao yvonne gmail com



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