快打折了要買啥? 美系熱門彩妝開箱試用心得 HUGE SEPHORA HAUL!!

by Hello Catie

快打折了要買啥? 美系熱門彩妝開箱試用心得 HUGE SEPHORA HAUL!!


影片中提到的東西都列在底下囉這次剪片時有發現到自己一些細節沒有講清楚 所以有另外加文字說明希望這樣有讓影片資訊更完整 之後我會注意盡量講的詳細點 More Catie For business inquiries byumoe88 gmail com business only More information about this video Products I mentioned SEPHORA COLLECTION Make No Mistake Foundation Concealer Stick 01 這色我用太淺了 應該要買再深一階 BENEFIT COSMETICS Cheek ParadeNARS Bord De Plage Highlighting and Bronzing PaletteCIATÉ LONDON Glow To Illuminating Blush Date NightMARC JACOBS BEAUTY Eye Conic Multi Finish Eyeshadow Palette ScandalustURBAN DECAY Naked Heat PaletteSTILA Nudie Mood Stay All Day Liquid Lipstick Set Perla Patina BaciSEPHORA COLLECTION Outrageous Effect Volume Lip Gloss XXL NudeMARC JACOBS BEAUTY Reinvented Lip DuoSEPHORA FAVORITES Give Me Some Nude Lip X2KAT VON D Everlasting Liquid Lipstick Double DareSMASHBOX Always On Matte Liquid Lipstick Out LoudSEPHORA COLLECTION Ready To Roll Brush Set



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