
by タイピー日記/taipi



今回も食材を求めて自分のボートで釣りに行ってみました 釣れた食材で料理して子犬と子猫達にあげてみました 前回のボートで釣りに行った動画 巨大魚を子猫にプレゼントした動画 動物系の動画集



March 2020 Bullet Journal Setu...

  • by Mira's Journal 876

March is around the corner and I am super excited to show you my Bujo Setup for the month. It's a bit more fantasy because I made ...

PLAN WITH ME March 2020 Bullet...

  • by Plant Based Bride 945

Thank you to Skillshare for sponsoring this video! Click here to explore your creativity and get 2 free months of Premium: https:...

온전히 믿어줄때 생기는 깜찍한 일: 먹고있는 다람쥐 양...

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대부분의 다람쥐들은 먹이를 입에 담아 집으로 가져가거나, 먹더라도 거리를 두거나 숨어서 먹습니다. 어쩐 일인지 주니가 제 앞에서 먹이를 먹더니 제가 양볼을 만져도 가만히 있습니다. 아마 제가 땅콩을 뺏어 먹지 않을거라는 큰 믿음이 ...

Eat while you drink! Unicorn m...

  • by MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ 1275

We tired making a unicorn marshmallow cup with chocolate drink inside. This dish is a breakthrough MOSO menu item where you can en...

Husky Puppies First Bath! [SHE...

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Soooo hello everyone! If you didn’t already know this is Lola. The new beautiful addition to our family haha! We are soon to be mo...