Poor Dog Dragged in the Woods ...
A poor homeless dog was hit by car a long time without treatment and his back legs, spin were broken. He was got out from the woo...
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A poor homeless dog was hit by car a long time without treatment and his back legs, spin were broken. He was got out from the woo...
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안녕하세요 딩가입니다 😀 오늘은 블루 페어리에서 선물 받은 타이니 페어리 메이를 리페인팅 했는데요 눈이 내리는 겨울이 오면 꼭 한번 해보고 싶었던 차갑고 신비로운 느낌의 눈의 여왕으로 인형을 꾸며줬어요 그럼 영상 재미있게 보시고 내일...
很多人好奇我一天工作行程大概是怎樣,今天的影片就跟大家分享,雖然不見得每天一樣,但只會工作時數更長不會更短XDDD 這次用新的拍攝跟剪接方式,大家喜歡嗎? ❤️❤️
Sweet and delicious, this no bake cheesecake recipe is simple and easy to make. Serve this berry cheesecake with berries + freshly...
He's one with nature!
I know my Orchid is probably the farthest thing from an actual Orchid. But hey I tried 🤣💖
Our dog, Misty, loves jumping into showers anywhere, any time, at any one's house. Just say the word, "SHOWER" and watch her take...
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