
by 10 Cats.ᐩ





Especial Día de las Madres

  • by Ana Galena 1092

En Vivo con Ana Galena es un programa que se transmite todos los martes a las 12pm (hora del pacifico) en el cual te comparto idea...

Trying Out Watercolor Brush Pe...

  • by Shayda Campbell 1424

In today's video I'm experimenting with watercolor brush pens and painting a lovely bouquet of wildflowers. Try the brush pens for...

Trying a 80 year old watercolo...

  • by The Average Artist 1058

What do you think about this paint set? As I said I really like the idea of being transported back to a time of when these 80 year...

the other doodled abstract - b...

  • by creationsceecee 965

sharing my thought process for achieving balance in the composition of an abstract painting. * watch more videos on Patreon: http:...

크리스마스 부시 드 노엘 : 자작나무 케이크...

  • by 조꽁드Joconde's Baking 2305

안녕하세요. 조꽁드입니다. 이 영상을 시작으로 4편의 크림치즈 디저트 레시피를 올릴 예정입니다. 주식회사 동서가 새로이 선보이는 독일산 필라델피아 크림치즈 제품을 제공받아 레시피 영상을 제작 하게 되었습니다. (유료광고입니다 ^^)...