Two Dresses in Two Days! : Cha...
Last weeks weekend plans involved making two dresses from a 1940s pattern - and I filmed the whole process!
楽しんでもらえたら いいね チャンネル登録をお忘れなく 動画の中で登場する コスメ 洋服 インテリア 日用品 などよく聞かれるアイテムを楽天ROOMでまとめています 他にもSNSやってます Vlog Channel TwitterInstagram
Last weeks weekend plans involved making two dresses from a 1940s pattern - and I filmed the whole process!
HELLLOO, I hope you are having a lovely october studybuddies. IM EXTREMELY SORRY for my leave of absence but i wanted to focus on ...
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I test out the Covergirl Outlast Lip Color! Let me know what else you want me to pu...
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こんばんは!久々に登場眼鏡女wwww アイドルなのにもう色々出し過ぎww YouTubeやってから色々歯止め効いてないww 嫌いにならないでねww
材料 Ingredients バナナ Banana・・・2~3本 グラニュー糖 Granulated sugar・・・150g バター Butter・・・15g
타이베이 라오허제 야시장 / 우유튀김(Fried Milk) 60 TWD (USD 2.1)
A família do Pinguim Fred, cresceu. Agora temos o chocalho ! Ele vai encantar, não só os bebês, mas também as mamães. Venha fazer...
Join Trinny Woodall for her June Zara Shop Up as she returns to Zara while the shops slowly start to open up again in the UK. Trin...
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