93 year old Clara makes the best crunchy creamy cannoli by hand!

by Pasta Grannies

93 year old Clara makes the best crunchy creamy cannoli by hand!


Cannoli are famous Sicilian fried pastries and 93 year old Clara has been making them the same old fashioned way for over 70 years Join her in her summer kitchen to find out what makes the special For the pastry Clara uses 1 kilo 00 all purpose flour200ml water200g lard50g sugar2 tablespoons white wine vinegar nothing too strongly flavoured For the filling 500g ricotta 100g sugar or to taste 150g chocolate buttons A large quantity of lard for frying this is an excellent fat for frying but you may prefer to use rice bran oil which is widely available these days




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みなさんのおかげで、初めてのレシピ本を発売することができました! どうもありがとうございます。感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです^^ ささやかですが、ありがとう企画を実施します^^

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