One last ramen noodle trip before leaving seattle. I have never really explored the ramen scene in Seattle before, but I found som...
我的第一支空瓶賞來了 這是大概這三個月左右全身用完的產品們 我手邊那麼多保養品 會用到光的就一定是很愛的 希望你們喜歡今天的分享 More Nancy over here I N S T A G R A M ntsai25 Business Inquiries nancy_blogger hotmail com More information about this video 1 ORIBE 沐浴乳 身體乳2 TSUBAKI 金耀瞬護髮膜3 Shiseido Airy Flow 髮品4 Kiehl s 媽咪寶貝溫和身體滋養油5 Shiseido 身體乳 Ever Bloom6 海昌隱形眼鏡藥水7 Jo Malone 法國青檸花香氛工藝蠟燭8 kiehl s 金盞花植物精華化妝水9 Dior PRESTIGE 精萃再生花蜜微導精露10 DIOR PRESTIGE 精萃再生花蜜乳霜11 DARPHIN 全效舒緩精華液12 DARPHIN 全效舒緩面霜13 DARPHIN 百妍極緻舒芙蕾芳香精露14 Kiehl s 冰河醣蛋白保濕霜15 CLARINS 牛奶果美胸霜 緊實16 Dior 癮誘粉漾潤唇膏 00517 shu uemura 3秒魔法眼線膠筆 Edited using Adobe Premieremusic by NCS My Outfits 徵求字幕 Subtitle Wanted 徵求中英文字幕 如果有其他語言也很歡迎喔 如果你有提交字幕 麻煩來信nancy_blogger hotmail com 通知我 我會寄送小禮物給你喔 This Video is NOT sponsored
One last ramen noodle trip before leaving seattle. I have never really explored the ramen scene in Seattle before, but I found som...
Hi guys, here's a new VLOG about my Paris Fashion Week. It was a busy week full of events, shows and more. In this video you mostl...
[ Hoạ cụ ] Review Touchliit 6 set pastel của Lỗ Store cùng Neko San | Chibi Speed Paint
For the past six generations, the Fukushima family has mastered and preserved the intricate art of Japanese confectionery known as...
カカオ ! ∴∵ゞ(´ω`*) ♪ English subtitles now under constructions. Please, wait next week. 今回はバリーカレボージャパンから新発売のルビーチョコレート Ruby Chocolate...
HidaMari Cooking(ひだまりクッキング)へようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子のレシピを中心に投稿しています。
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