オイロの階段チャレンジがかわいいです^^ 怖がっていた階段の下りも直ぐにコツをつかんで簡単に降りれるようになった運動神経の良いオイロです♬
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オイロの階段チャレンジがかわいいです^^ 怖がっていた階段の下りも直ぐにコツをつかんで簡単に降りれるようになった運動神経の良いオイロです♬
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We tried making this recipe and the chocolate bar shape is cute. As it is eaten cool like a rich ganache, it is perfect for the su...
Fun challenge: if you laugh or even smile, you have to restart the video! Can you keep your face serious through the entire video?...
I was sitting on the cafe, Fluffy tabby cat came and began to check my bag again and again, i gave food to her, but she didn't eat...
Os enseño como pintar mandalas en tazas de cerámica utilizando pintura vitral y contorno de relieve. Es super facil y queda genial...
あずきのいたずらが止まりません。笑 元気な証拠ですが、パワフルな身のこなしに目が離せない毎日です(・ω・`)
Show how to make this elegant vintage flower beaded bracelet with red bicone crystal beads and seed beads 展示如何制作这条复古花形串珠手链,用到的是3毫米...
LINK! To the best makeup brushes in the world! http://bit.ly/2CG7RgP
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