Zentangle Art Lesson Abukas Ta...
Abukas by Char Kat CZT is one of those tangles you will find you learn a lot about placement and adding your own twist to. I had ...
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Abukas by Char Kat CZT is one of those tangles you will find you learn a lot about placement and adding your own twist to. I had ...
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It definitely took a little while since she has the attention span of a tea spoon, hehe. And for everyone worried about the bell, ...
네이버 스토어팜 : https://smartstore.naver.com/silversnow_embroidery 인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/silver_snow_/ 블로그: http://blog.nav...
Reacting to my Ride or Die Makeup Tag video (circa 2016!) to determine which of my holy grail makeup items have been replaced by n...
Vogue Paris visits Drag queen star, Miss Fame in her hotel suite to help her prepare for an evening out in Paris. The star, who ro...
最近ハナがプールの壁をガジガジしてすぐに破壊してしまうので、厚手のビニールシートでプールを覆うことにしました。毎回セットするのが面倒臭いのですが、少しでもプールの寿命が延びることを願っています。 ちなみにプールクラッシャーハナは以前使用した青いデカタライには入...
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