2019 Bullet Journal Setup | Minimal & Simple

by ChristineMyLinh

2019 Bullet Journal Setup |  Minimal & Simple


A very simple and minimal 2019 bullet journal setup with a touch of floral and gold accents I know it is a little late but I still hope that it can inspire you Happy New Year Become part of the Blush Patrons Watch my full 2018 flip through Free Printables available for one week only My Lovely CommunityWebsite www blushandmay comFor business inquiries christinemylinh gmail com__ Supplies__ Equipment__ Deals for youGet 40 off your Airbnb Stay __ Music __All product links are part of the Amazon Affiliate program which means that I will get a small commission from your purchase If you do purchase through my link thank you so much for supporting me and helping me share more of my work with you



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