Linocut carving
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Purrfection Ocelot is 24 years old which is the equivalent of over 100 in human years She is the epitome of the perfect looking ocelot which explains her name Her markings are extraordinary and demonstrate why this species was almost hunted out of existence for its fur Watch this rare up close view in 3D 180VR These wildcats were filmed and edited in VR 180 3D Subscribe to see more fully immersive VR180 3 D Videos of wild tigers bobcats servals leopards jaguars ocelots caracals mountain lions savannah cats hybrid cats and lions This looks AMAZING if you wear Oculus Go Oculus Quest Oculus Rift HTC Vive Playstation VR Windows Mixed Reality HTC Vive Pro Google Cardboard Pimax VR other VR Headsets Get our inexpensive headset and support the cats at the same time at BigCatRescue org VRYou can help feed the cats at no cost to you using Amazon Smile Visit BigCatRescue org Amazon smileBIG CAT TV is a close look into our day to day operations the conservation efforts we support and the exotic feline residents of Big Cat Rescue in Tampa FL USA Big Cat Rescue is an educational non breeding accredited sanctuary and a registered non profit 501c3 so your donations are tax deductible Shop for big cat themed gifts clothes and more at BigCatRescue bizTake action to end big cat abuse at BigCatAct comThank you for watching and tell a friend
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