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똘망똘망한 눈을 가진 푸들 별이에요:)
25 WAYS TO LOOK BETTER WHEN YOU CAN T BE BOTHERED INTHEFROW Last Sunday I was having one of those days and simply couldn t be bothered to adult but I also wanted to film and get myself feeling more productive so the day didn t feel wasted I started filming all the things I was doing to make myself feel more upbeat and wanted to share what happened 25 things I do to make myself look and more importantly feel better Also incase you missed my last video there s a Farfetch discount code featured that s still valid until 23 59 BST 14 03 2020 AFFILIATE LINKS I receive a small of commission from anything bought via the affiliate links below this does not cost you any extra PR GIFTS Anything labelled with denotes a PR Gift or usage of a PR discount code What I m Wearing Dior Belt In boutiques Dior Heels In boutiquesDior Trainers In boutiquesLV Bag Not Available Beauty Products Used Mentioned Find Me Info Commercial Contact info inthefrow com Thank you so much for the support you always give to me love you all so much
똘망똘망한 눈을 가진 푸들 별이에요:)
Here are some of the most beautiful DIY projects you can try for your self at home
New to Acrylic or need a refresher?🤓 Here at Kiara Sky and Glam and Glits, we love to educate on the products and industry we love...
Hey Guys! Here’s something a little different! One painting, but two artists! My good friend and artist Noel Guard came to visit m...
モチが良いといわれるベースジェルでも 下処理をちゃんとしないと 浮いたり取れたりする可能性があります。
華麗にスルーするまるとはな。Maru&Hana avoid domino splendidly and walk. BGM:STAR DUST BGM https://stardustbgm.com/
This video about:Hand Embroidery, Beautiful Neck Embroidery Design
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