【トーンアップUV比較】FEMMUE / LAROCHE-P...
これからの時期に絶対使いたい日焼け止めトーンアップUV ナチュラル派FEMMUEと敏感肌派 ¥ 4,200 +税LAROCHE-POSEY比較!
SEWING TRICKS FROM TAILORSWe are sharing today sewing hacks that will totally love sewing pros and beginners Pros will find new tricks and hand sewing tips If you love to sew these sewing hacks are going to make you smile and save you time There are a lot of beginner sewing basics to cover and a lot to learn Some of them are very important very basic and simple but you build up your sewing knowledge as you go Transform your old clothes with some basic cutting and sewing skills and a little imagination You will learn creative buttons ideas how to make glamorous embroidery buttons Watch the video and find a trick how to avoid tread falling out of a needle Transform empty balm container into a travel sewing kit You can create a fancy bow using ribbon and wooden stuck even if you only have basic sewing skills A bar of soap could be extremely useful while sewing watch our video and you will find an absolutely genius lifehack how to deal with a stubborn pin Learn our genius lifehack how to use a hand mixer as a ball winder Now it s easy to resize your jeans make two slits one to two centimeters away from the belt loop and sew the elastic into place underneath the belt loop Watch our video and find the tutorial Also you will learn how to make basic sewing stitches running stitch backstitch split stitch french knot and chain stitch Once you wear your favorite jeans and find a hole No problem If your sweater seems too boring just add embroidered flowers and cherries on it You gonna learn to make beautiful and very simple embroidered flowers like roses dandelion lazy daisy hyacinth satin flower and chamomile By the way this is the way to hide holes Make your clothes stylish and customized Moreover you will find fast ways to repair holes in different types of your clothes Give your old clothes a second chance Learn the best sewing hacks to make your sewing hobby a lot easier and fun TIMESTAMPS 00 06 Resize your skirt00 55 Hoodie hack05 20 DIY Travel sewing kit17 47 Embroidered cherries23 47 Glamorous buttons25 23 Organize the yarn Our Social Media For more videos and articles visit
これからの時期に絶対使いたい日焼け止めトーンアップUV ナチュラル派FEMMUEと敏感肌派 ¥ 4,200 +税LAROCHE-POSEY比較!
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New Nail Art 2018 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation #102
Red Pandas at the Maruyama zoo in Hokkaido,Japan. 円山動物園のレッサーパンダ、ギン(メス/4歳)、円実(メス/1歳)。 円実は、リンゴが好物にも関わらず、 食べはじめのリンゴは、食べやすくカットしたものがいいよ...
Come and check out this brand new compilation of some of the most amazing animals found all over the world. From a cute little bir...
Taiwanese Street Food Chiayi - Taiwanese Street Food - Street Food Taiwan
誰でもできる簡単ナン。具のアレンジで色んな味が楽しめそうです。 手作りのビスコッティも、手作りとは思えない美味しさ! 家ごもりの簡単レシピ、お試しください。 ********
HidaMari Cooking(ひだまりクッキング)へようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子のレシピを中心に投稿しています。
イエローベースでもブルーベースメイクしたい!!MiMCのブルベメイクセットでメイクしました♡やっぱりおかしいかな? 皆さんはイエベorブルベどちらですか?
Black Leopards Scents and Sense Abilities - Touch | The Lion Whisperer. Today we’re talking about leopards sense of touch with bro...
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