3 MUST TRY Healthy One Pan Meals | easy paleo recipes

by keepupwithliv

3 MUST TRY Healthy One Pan Meals | easy paleo recipes


TALK TO ME SNAPCHAT keepupwithlivFACEBOOK KeepupwithlivHUM NUTRITION GET 10 OFF WTH CODE 1239DB Hey everyone In today s video I am sharing with you 3 healthy one pan meals that are easy paleo recipes and taste delicious paleorecipes keepupwithliv healthydinnerTaco Skillet Shrimp Lo Mein Za atar Chicken1 tbsp avocado oil 2 cloves garlic 3 chicken thighs 2 tsp za atar seasoning 1 bag chopped veggie slaw 1 tbsp sundried tomatoes 1 2 lemon juiced IF YOU ARE A COMPANY AND WOULD LIKE TO CONTACT ME PLEASE EMAIL ME BUSINESS INQUIRIES keepupwithliv19 gmail comDISCLAIMER all opinions are my own



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