SNOW WHITE - not your typical Snow White look Halloween 2019


SNOW WHITE - not your typical Snow White look Halloween 2019


Support the Zodiac Project on PATREON Used ProductsBROWSMake up Forever Aqua Brow 40Maybelline Brow Drama dark brownThe SAEM Concealer 01EYESLa Splash Till Midnight Elixir Eyeshadow PrimerNatasha Denona Gold PalettePIXI Weylie Hoang EyelinerNYX Lid Lingerie CheckmateThe Balm Black Eye PencilArtdeco Amazing Effect MascaraDior Body Glow 01Supernova Lashes Pisces BASEGOSH Yellow Neutralizer Peripera Ink Skin tint 01Jerome Alexander Magic MineralsGosh I m blushing Blush Fmgt moisture cushion highlighterGrimas Colour Powder 001LIPSMelt Lipliner Ambrosia Huda Beauty Matte Lipstick Cheerleader CONTACTSttdeye queen chocolate use codePicturresque for money offWIGStyled by my hairdresserHAIRBANDDIYEARRINGSVintageCHOKERH MBLOUSEDISCLAIMERThis Video is not sponsored some of the shown products I ve received via PR or I bought them myself Find me on INSTAGRAM Support the Zodiac Project onPATREON Business Inquiries info picturresque deVIDEO ClipsApple Video by Ashutosh Sonwani PexelsRoyalty free Stock Footage Video editing VFX Graphics by CyberWebFX Music Ballpoint StickyBallpoint KaratsUygar Duzgun christal waveBallpoint Black Snow



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