冰箱里剩菜乱七八糟?来锅寿喜烧全解决Easy way to make Sukiyaki丨曼食慢语

by 曼食慢语 Amanda Tastes

冰箱里剩菜乱七八糟?来锅寿喜烧全解决Easy way to make Sukiyaki丨曼食慢语


食材酱汁Sauce 生抽50ml 50ml light soy sauce味淋 酒酿汁50ml 50ml mirin fermented sweet rice清酒 烹饪米酒50ml 50ml sake cooking rice wine清水50ml 50ml water糖1小勺 1 tsp sugar食材Ingredients 肥牛片300g 300g of beef slices牛脂一小块 small piece of beef tallow娃娃菜半颗 half baby cabbage白洋葱1 4个 1 4 white onion茼蒿适量 crown daisy豆腐200g 200g tofu香菇2个 2 mushrooms金针菇150g 150g enoki mushroom大葱一截 leek可生食鸡蛋 raw eggs 淘宝店铺 曼食慢语新浪微博 Amanda的小厨房微信公众号 amandatastes



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