Sweet Gothic Lolita Makeup - Smokey-Eye + Small Dolly Lips

by Vivekatt

Sweet Gothic Lolita Makeup - Smokey-Eye + Small Dolly Lips


Sorry for reuploading this video it was taken down by Youtube due to the music i used in the video 未经准许 禁止转载 微博 vivekattHello guys This is how i do my makeup when i wear a dark lolita style i personally really like the combination of dark and sweet like a dangerous candy or something hehe ____________________________________________________ You can also find me here Business contact vivekatts hotmail com___________________________________Music by Kanon WakeshimaLolitawork Libretto Storytelling________________________________Product list lenses美瞳 cloud nine redconcealer遮瑕 isadora cpólor correcting concealer 30 anti rednesspowder粉 rimmel stay matte 004 sandstormeyebrow眉毛 chanel it s a eyeliner actually eye shadow primer眼部打底 urban decay eyeshadow primer potion anti agingeyeshadow眼影 isadora37 crystal mauve sleek vintage romance 141eyeliner眼线 isadora gel eyeliner water proofupper lashes上睫毛 diamond lash dl55103 lower lashes下睫毛 got them from my friend don t know the brand blush腮红 jill stuart 110 harmonious melodylip唇部 revlon matte 006 really red isadora 62 midnight red ysl tint in oil lipgloss 06brushes刷子 isadora wilmasbeauty hick collection and some brandless brushesop and headdress are from bodyline



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