How to make continuous bias ta...
The fabrics on the video are from Haerae Design Studio:
不想聽我囉唆 可以直接跳跳跳 電棒的選擇 1 57 3 50頭髮容易直的原因 3 51 8 45電棒的基本使用方法 8 56 22 28電棒品牌是 日本CREATE ION因為我是跟髮型師買的所以網路上的我不確定哪個是正貨要麻煩大家自己搜尋但是如果是低於 NT 170 0 的一定是假的唷 假的用起來就是不 好 用 然後其實我頭髮持久的原因就是因為我沒噴定型液還有洗髮精的選擇跟頭髮夠乾但是我每天一定會用髮油護髮所以頭髮看起來才會這麼有光澤 有機會再跟大家分享我最愛的洗髮精跟護髮吧 喜歡我的影片記得訂閱我唷 雖然上影片速度不快 但都是很認真做的影片 For business inquiries streetjazzsoul gmail com影片中使用的相機 Canon 6D2我的髮質 細軟直髮 沒燙過 非商業合作影片
The fabrics on the video are from Haerae Design Studio:
韓国のビューティークリエイターK.LYNNさん ヘルス&ビューティ商品を取り扱う有名店「OLIVE YOUNG(オリーブヤング)」で購入したアイテムを紹介しました🧡
This is video tutorial to accompany my Anemones and Succulents Embroidery Pattern. Hopefully this video helps to clarify the stit...
Suzie shares her secrets on how to keep your Acrylic Brush in Top Shape, including how to prevent Acrylic curing in your brush, ho...
Sarah was the winner of my custom prom gown giveaway. She wore her dream gown to her prom on May 11th 2019. I think her and her da...
Watch as Aria shows us how to make Laos’ traditional dish, larb., His recipe is packed with flavor and makes a great centerpiece f...
Today I'm talking about and using some ~rare~ products...the kind that you look at, and no matter how random they are, say 'I'm go...
What I Eat In A Day or What I Ate Today! Today is a Healthy What I Eat In A Day to give you healthy eating inspiration on intuitiv...
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