【Wagashi】Japanese style edible...
i made Japanese traditional style confectionery"Wagashi", edible autumn leaves candy.they are sweet mochi but not sticky.i think i...
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i made Japanese traditional style confectionery"Wagashi", edible autumn leaves candy.they are sweet mochi but not sticky.i think i...
대부분의 다람쥐들은 먹이를 입에 담아 집으로 가져가거나, 먹더라도 거리를 두거나 숨어서 먹습니다. 어쩐 일인지 주니가 제 앞에서 먹이를 먹더니 제가 양볼을 만져도 가만히 있습니다. 아마 제가 땅콩을 뺏어 먹지 않을거라는 큰 믿음이 ...
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How to make a traditional table design for a rectangular dining table.
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I promised you a pie and you're gonna get a pie! Well, 6 pies actually! These pies take Banana Cream Pies up a few notches to incl...
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