5 Boho DIY Home Decor / Wall hanging and baskets

by Katia Nikolajew

5 Boho DIY Home Decor / Wall hanging and baskets


Hey my loves I thought it would be fun to do a different kind of video As much as I love fashion I love a good DIY project Since I ve been moving furniture around in the house I was left with a bare wall and I thought I would create new boho bali wall hangings I got a little carried away and created other pieces so I decided to put them in this video as well I hope you guys enjoy them Let me know in the comment section which piece is your favorite PRODUCTS on Amazon




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婚禮季節在這裡!這些廉價的鏡面膠合片為您的伴娘們提供了完美的禮物,您也可以為自己做個自己的搭配!通過我們網站上免費印刷(這裡:http://bit.ly/2sw8OkA),然後Mod Podge和模具離開花卉背景!

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