5 Christmas Nail Art Designs Using Household Items!

by cutepolish

5 Christmas Nail Art Designs Using Household Items!


SHOP OUR FAVE NAIL PRODUCTS TOOLS SUBSCRIBE to CutePolish so you never miss a nail tutorial SUBSCRIBE to Hannah s personal nail art channel _ PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO Maxus Nails Base CoatMaxus Nails Top CoatNails Inc White OutChina Glaze GrinchworthyORLY Star SpanglesFingerPaints Oh My GaucheOPI 50 Years of Style_ NAIL HACKS TIPS TRICKS YOU NEED TO KNOW 42 Nail Hacks All In One Video Apply Remove Gel Polish At Home Perfectly Paint Your Nails Perfectly Grow Your Nails Fast How To Avoid Smudging Your Nail Art 5 Ways to Stop Biting Your Nails Shape Your Nails Perfectly Square Fix A Broken Nail Fast Prep Your Nails Before Painting Them Dry Your Nails Fast Easily Remove Glitter Nail Polish My Nail Care Routine 5 Steps To Growing Long Strong and Beautiful Nails 5 Ways To Clean Up Your Nails Perfectly _Sandi s equipment to her create videos CAMERA USED TO FILM CAMERA USED FOR PHOTOS LIGHTING VIDEO EDITING PROGRAM _If you recreate any of these nail designs show us using the hashtag cutepolish _Thank you so much for watching Love you guys



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