Pastry Chef Attempts To Make G...
What makes the oreo the king of the cookie? Claire attempts to find out as she makes a gourmet version of the greatest sandwich co...
Thank you for joining the family and being a part of our 100k community I can t believe I hit this milestone Thank you thank you In this video I ll show you how to create a TOTALLY SIMPLE piece of art yet again that should take only 5 minutes Using the wet in wet watercolour technique we ll create a custom monogram with a lovely watercolour gradient I ll also show you an alternate version using my beloved GOLD watercolor paint Enjoy and don t forget to subscribe DanaBOOK PRE ORDERS LINKS MENTIONED NEW Patterns For Products mini course orPRODUCTS USED Paint colours Brushes Winsor Newton Cotman 10mm Filbert BrushMUSIC ______________________________________________Nowhere by IksonVisit Me LOVE YOU may include affiliate links to products wonderWatercolour Some links included in this description such as Amazon links to products may be affiliate links
What makes the oreo the king of the cookie? Claire attempts to find out as she makes a gourmet version of the greatest sandwich co...
バネ口金使用、スケルトン、ビニールバネポーチの作り方 ミニボトルサイズ2本が入るバネポーチ❣️
갑자기 너무 더워졌어요.. 원래 5월까지는 봄 아니였나요..? 아무튼 갑자기 더워진 날씨탓에 입맛이 없어져서 (뭔가 많이 먹긴했는데 입맛이 없는거맞음) 매콤새콤한 쫄면과 열무김치비빔밥을 만들어 먹었어요. 그럼 즐거운 주말되세요! :)
New Nail Art 2019 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation #207
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안녕하세요 요번 시간에는 새틴스티치로 만든 티 코스터를 만들어보았습니다 :) 저는 사방이 인터록으로 마감이 되어있는 코스터를 썼어요. 잎사귀와 앵두 부분은 모두 새틴스티치, 앵두의 줄기만 스플릿 스티치 3겹으로 작업했어요. 앵두는...
ブチモコピコがレタス、小松菜、穀物をおいしそうに食べます。 ムシャムシャ音で、リラックスできること間違いなし(?)です(笑) 今の流行りはレタスらしく、小松菜より食いつきがいいです。 また、後半では、快眠効果が期待できる(?)泥水のピチャピチャ音を聴くことがで...
[ 材料 ] - 6吋咕咕霍夫模一只 黃(綠)檸檬:2顆 葵花籽油:65g 蜂蜜:80g 朗姆酒:20g 中筋麵粉:100g 杏仁粉:100g 泡打粉:3/4茶匙(3g) 鹽:1/2茶匙 室溫全蛋:4顆 細白砂糖(A):130g
Can you draw on a simple paper napkin? Of course! You can make art on everything. This piece was a little test, before I start wit...
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