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Thank you for joining the family and being a part of our 100k community I can t believe I hit this milestone Thank you thank you In this video I ll show you how to create a TOTALLY SIMPLE piece of art yet again that should take only 5 minutes Using the wet in wet watercolour technique we ll create a custom monogram with a lovely watercolour gradient I ll also show you an alternate version using my beloved GOLD watercolor paint Enjoy and don t forget to subscribe DanaBOOK PRE ORDERS LINKS MENTIONED NEW Patterns For Products mini course orPRODUCTS USED Paint colours Brushes Winsor Newton Cotman 10mm Filbert BrushMUSIC ______________________________________________Nowhere by IksonVisit Me LOVE YOU may include affiliate links to products wonderWatercolour Some links included in this description such as Amazon links to products may be affiliate links
本をご購入いただいた皆様、ありがとうございます!!お手数ですがAmazonのカスタマーレビューに良くも悪くも正直な感想をご入力頂けますと幸いです。どうぞよろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m
Skip the store and make the most delicate Ladyfingers at home! Get the WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS: http://bit.ly/HomemadeLadyfingers SUB...
MAP: https://bit.ly/3fum8NY (They have entrance regulation still: https://www.hasedera.jp/ ) Hydrangea path at Hasedera Temple.
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Senior Cat Loves These Little Girls More Than Anything | This woman rescued a cat when she was in college, but had no idea her fut...
LEARN 7 BORDER DESIGNS Tutorial for you: Do you want to learn Ribbon BORDER DESIGNS with HandiWorks to add your own decor projects...
新年快樂!! 今天跟我一起試用新款美甲貼紙~好用嗎? 之前美甲貼片的影片連結在這: 神奇美甲片怎麼貼+持續回購 經驗分享 https://youtu.be/4OIZOg5GIdc 美甲印章+屈臣氏DIVA貼片經驗分享 https://youtu.be/4p...
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