New Type Cup Cake CUPKE Conven...
New type cup cake CUPKE. They are normal cakes except for they are in the cup. You can eat them as a street food without getting y...
Heya In this video I share my 5 tips on being more self confident This topic is very important for me because I was a very insecure person with no self confidence whatsoever and I turned a 180 I want to show you that this is possible for everyone and inspire you to be the person you want to be The BAD APPLE ARTIST COLLECTIVE Get a print of The Fairy Thorn PATREONFor more painting videos merchandise original art and more join me on Patreon M A T E R I A L S If you want to support my art you can purchase through the Amazon links listed below I get a tiny percentage of the sale and every little bit helps MY PALETTEOil paints are very expensive I know For beginning artists I d recommend to start with studio quality paints and then replace one color after another with professional paints or you start with only a few colors ultramarine blue white black burnt sienna lemon yellow and cadmium red light Magenta from Schmincke Norma Alizarin Crimson from Sennelier Titanium white from Schmincke Norma Royal Blue from Schmincke Norma Olive Green from Schmincke Norma Other Materials Music by Amarante Music Myuuji
New type cup cake CUPKE. They are normal cakes except for they are in the cup. You can eat them as a street food without getting y...
HidaMari Cooking(ひだまりクッキング)へようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子のレシピを中心に投稿しています。
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説明 懐かしい指編みです。指編みにも色々ありますね~ 今回は輪っかにする編み方です紐状に編んだものをくさり編みにして ファーボールを付けました 前今回使った毛糸「ニューパレッタ」は太さで言うと極太位です ファーボールの編み方です→ https://youtu....
LIKE & SUBSCRIBE 👉🏻 I'm so excited to share these easy ponytails, they're perfect fall hairstyles. Thi...
가을이예요 ~ 제가 밤을 참 좋아하는데요 ^^ 밤이 맛있게 익어가고 있는 계절이라 제일 먼저 꺼내온 가을 베이킹 아이템. 밤!!
阿瑪:「沒想到朕的室友居然是嚕嚕!」 × 頻道更新時間為週五晚間六點,其餘時段不定時發舊片!× 訂閱我們吧:
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I was at a loss for what to do with March birthstones, as Aquamarine is a more expensive pick. We went with an affordable yet gorg...
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