Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) So it looks like Urban Decay won when I did a poll on twitter so here ya go! I am testing out the new UD ...
Hey guys Back with another video full of tips tricks and techniques This time to change your eye makeup I love making these videos and so thrilled to see so many of you learn something from my last one Hope you love it J xPRODUCTS USED MENTIONEDTatti Lashes COMING SOON FAVOURITE ESSENTIALS FAVOURITE BRUSHES FACE EYES BROWS LIPSEQUIPMENT Editing Software Final Cut ProLETS BE FRIENDS DISCLAIMER Some of the above links are affiliate links which means that if you click and make a purchase I may receive a small commission This helps support my channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this Thank you so much for the support This video was not sponsored J x
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) So it looks like Urban Decay won when I did a poll on twitter so here ya go! I am testing out the new UD ...
アクリBOX https://amzn.to/33qZhhe
こんにちは!元美容部員でshabon編集長のちばです(*^^*)✨ 前回に引き続き、今回は香水特集【プチプラ版】! プチプラといえど、「安っぽい香り」は絶対イヤ!!! ということでこだわって選んでみました♡ 少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです(*^^*)
【器も食べちゃお】あつあつクラムチャウダーボウル🥐 レシピはこちら:https://bit.ly/2nzcjVH
This simple trick will make your foundation and concealer go on soooo smooth!
There are so many flat irons and hair straighteners out there on the market and so many of them are really expensive. So which one...
Funny Animals August 2018 Compilation || FunnyVines
앙금플라워 거베라 꽃짜기 모음 Gerbera flower piping techniques *Use tip* 97 (wilton),104( wilton), 103(wilton), 81(wilton), 65s(wilton), 13,...
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