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GROW TONS OF LEMONS FROM THESE SIMPLE TIPS THEY ARE SO EASY TO FOLLOW DAIZZ S TIPS You want to grow lemons but stop because you run out of space or you don t grow it because you live in a colder region If this is your plight then growing a lemon tree in a pot is a smart idea Plant it on a patio terrace or in indoors and you will be bestowed by its scented flowers and soft yellow citrus fruits You can grow it in balcony too Meyer lemon variety is perfect for kitchen and balcony gardens especially for non tropical zonesChoose a pot that is 25 bigger than the root ball of the plant Clay pot is ideal because unlike plastic it is porous and evaporates water from sides this helps the lemon tree to grow well as it dislikes being water logged The quality and type of soil is an important factor too For growing high yielding plants use well draining organic potting mix Requirements for Growing Lemon Tree in a PotRepot your lemon tree in every couple of years or so in the beginning of spring in tropics winter is the best season Your pot size should be according to the scale of your tree Avoid too large or small planters keep in mind to use a container that is one size bigger than your previously used pot pH level of soil should be around 5 5 to 7 as the plant prefer slightly acidic soil to neutral soil SunlightAll plants in the citrus family love full sun around 7 to 8 hours of sunlight is essential If growing indoors use grow light to provide adequate lighting inside WateringThe lemon tree requires consistent watering to produce healthy fruits Giving it too much or too little water can lead to blossom and fruit drop and sometimes plant may die too Check top 2 inch layer of soil for dryness before watering On windy and hot days it requires more frequent watering Thank you for watching and please give me a Like and I would love you to SUBSCRIBE for regular updates and take a look at my other Videos thank u Please subscribe to this beautiful channel which belongs to a beautiful and very humble man Have a look guys all videos are very beautiful channel name Richard ParkerSUBCRIBE TO THIS BEAUTIFUL CHANNELCHANNEL NAME TECH GARDEN CHANNEL NAME PAINTED PETALS Subscribe for beautiful gardening videos MUSIC JPB High NCS Release NCSJBPCreative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0
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