DIY Slim Laptop Bag 13″ 노트북 가방...
I made slim laptop bag today. This video shows how to add a pocket to the outside when making a bag. sewingtimes show you how to m...
Cookie Cakes are everywhere right now and this cactus version was so fun to make Follow UsWEBSITEFACEBOOKTWITTERINSTAGRAMPINTERESTERROR in video ingredients It s actually 1 1 2 tsp baking powder Materials Buttercream 900g Dark Green half Americolor Avocado Green and half Americolor Leaf Green with a Wilton 4B piping tip 250g Light Green as above just less colour with a 21 tip 75g Natural with a 16 tip 75g Yellow half Americolor Lemon Yellow and half Egg Yellow with a large grass tip 75g Pink Sugarflair Pink with a 125 or 406 tip 75g Orange Americolor Orange with a 125 or 406 tip 75g Purple Americolor Electric Purple with a 125 or 406 tip 7 Piping bags 1 2 cup brown sugar 1 2 Packet plain cookies Parchment squares Flower nail
I made slim laptop bag today. This video shows how to add a pocket to the outside when making a bag. sewingtimes show you how to m...
毎日毎日グングン成長していくあずき、あっという間に専用の小さい砂場が窮屈になってしまいました( ^ω^ ;) なので、ちょっと広くてあずきでも出入りできるサイズの砂場を用意しました! やっぱり広々していると楽しいみたいで、沢山砂浴びして見せてくれました。 モコ...
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HEY EVERYONE! We all know by now I'm a glitter obsessed queen, so when I saw the Ciaté London GLITTER FLIP liquid lipsticks... I W...
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